Adding value to your organisation
Expectations of internal audit leaders have never been greater as the risk profiles of organisations develop over time. However, for many, these greater expectations mean doing more with the same resources. This requires effectively prioritising audit work and developing risk-based audit plans that truly meet the needs of the organisation, along with exploring more efficient approaches to work.From agile auditing, new ways of reporting, to evolving the internal audit function, here you can find the resources and guidance you need to add even more value to your organisation. |
Adding culture to your audit plan
This thought leadership will focus on why you should include cultural assurance in your audit plan, offer new insights for those already on the journey and give you the confidence to talk about the topic with your governing body – board, audit committee, trustees, etc.
Adding strategy to the audit plan
This piece takes a positive approach as to why and how internal audit should undertake audits in the strategic arena.
Agile internal auditing
Learn about 'agile' methodology and how you can apply it to your internal audit work. With case studies from Barclays, Kingfisher and RSA.
Auditors as advisors
The definition of internal audit includes both assurance and consulting activity. This article explores what the standards say, and the challenges facing audit leaders.
Business resilience
A piece exploring the evolution of managing significant disruptive events that asks whether internal audit is providing the assurance that matters to the board.
Consultancy advice: Practical actions for CAEs
In this article, we look at the importance of consultancy for internal audit and the practical actions CAEs can take to enhance their consultancy activities.
COSO framework overview
An overview of COSO and the latest thinking regarding enterprise risk management (ERM).
Curious interventions: The benefits of a curious mind
Internal auditors are naturally curious. In this article, we look at how internal auditors can harness their curiosity to positive effect.
Evolve your DNA to take control of disruption
This article looks at how organisations can start to take back control of disruption risk, and how you, as a CAE, can start to think about assurance as to how the risk is being managed.
Internal auditing around the World - vol.18 - The Future of Work is Here
Internal audit functions have played a vital role in helping businesses reach the point where they can start thinking more about what's next than just has been and what is. And now, internal audit leaders and audit committees need to consider what internal audit must do to support the business moving forward - and what the function itself can do to recruit and develop the talent it needs to meet its objectives and realise its own vision for the future.
Ensuring auditors can engage in work that is compelling, meaningful and impactful is a must. So, too, is positioning internal audit as a strategic and highly valued partner to the organisation. In short, internal audit must be seen as a place to build a stimulating, fulfilling and challenging career - where work is focussed on critical strategic and operational matters, and requires application of leading and contemporary tools and techniques.
Internal audit - beyond equity
We explore the dynamics of diversity and inclusion for today’s workforce and look at the role internal audit can play as enablers of change.
Interview: Paul Skinnider on authenticity in the workplace
Paul Skinnider, experienced internal auditor, LGBTQIA+ champion and a member of the Chartered IIA's Scotland committee, spoke to us about the value of authenticity and the importance of being able to “bring your whole self to work.”
Interview: Carolyn Clarke on diversity, equity and inclusion
We discussed diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within the internal audit profession with Carolyn Clarke, former Group Head of Audit, Risk and Control at Centrica plc.
Insights from the NHS for all sectors
We asked four people with a wealth of internal audit experience for their candid views on the future of the NHS.
Is your strategy evolving internal audit?
Key points to consider when writing or reviewing your internal audit strategy.
Managing transformation projects
How internal audit can provide assurance and consultancy during times of change.
Negotiating for success
How to influence and persuade your stakeholders to ensure your audit findings have a meaningful impact.
New ways of reporting
Different methods and perspectives on how to share your audit reports with different audiences.
Organisational culture from IA perspective
This thought leadership brings you bitesize insights on organisational culture to enrich your input into audit scope, findings and those all-important actions.
Organisational network analysis
Organisational network analysis (ONA) is a way to make sense of the informal and insightful communication networks that exist alongside formal hierarchies. In this paper, we work through the technique and look at how it can benefit internal auditors.
Reputation: the overall sense of integrity and trust, so what is internal audit's role?
Learn about the value internal audit can add to provide assurance your organisation’s reputation is not damaged.
Reputational currency - how healthy is your account?
This guidance discusses the concept of reputational currency and the role that internal audit has in providing assurance over how organisations are proactively managing their reputation, and its value.
Risk culture
What is the risk maturity and the risk culture of your organisation and how do you report these?
Strategic relationships
How to build, maintain and have a successful relationship with senior management and board.
Sustainability assurance
Learn about reporting your organisation’s environmental sustainability.
Supply chains: future assurance
This short read draws on leading thinking about the future of supply chains and how developments could influence internal audit assurance deep within the supply chain.
10 key due diligence checks for organisations heading overseas
We highlight 10 key due diligence checks for organisations heading overseas.
The culture conundrum
Insight and theory on organisational culture; the detail that sits between the lines of many articles and conversations on the subject.
The importance of a CAE’s opinion
This thought leadership piece examines the professional requirements of providing an overall audit opinion, the benefits of providing a trusted opinion and delivering it with impact.
Things to consider when preparing for your annual audit opinion
This guidance is designed to support heads of internal audit (HIAs) in preparing for their annual opinion or for the more experienced to review and possibly rethink their approach.
What are you worth?
Insights into marketing and branding your internal audit function to help achieve results.
When cash is king: Top tips for chief audit executives
Key insights for ensuring that internal audit creates and protects organisational value through risk-based and objective assurance, advice and insight.
Why IT projects fail, time and again!
Explore IT project assurance through a series of questions that audit leaders may find themselves asking of the person in the mirror or in candid discussion at networking events.
Why traceability assurance is a powerful tool for internal audit
Audit leaders are frequently under pressure to innovate and maintain relevance. Traceability is not a new concept but looking at it through a new lens may reveal opportunities to enhance compliance assurance, improve transparency and think differently about a broad spectrum of risks.