Our events


Audit Leaders webinars are short, live, presentations covering the latest topics in the world of internal auditing. Our webinars have been designed with you in mind; we carefully select industry experts to discuss emerging issues, giving you the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker(s), whilst boosting your business know-how.
Webinars are available to Audit Leaders members and their teams only and delegates will earn CPE credit for attending.

Missed a webinar? You can access the library of archived webinars, 24/7.

Breakfast Forum

Breakfast forums are exclusive to Audit Leaders members.
We run a series of briefings throughout the year on issues of interest to audit leaders and their teams. These range from policy specific topics such as the implementation of GDPR to practical issues around Brexit, the UK Corporate Governance Code and more.
The briefings provide an opportunity for members to network and hear the latest on compliance and regulatory issues from expert speakers followed by a Q&A discussion. Briefings start at 08.30 and finish at 10.00. Audit Leaders’ members are invited to bring two members of his/her team with them.

Panel discussions

Our panel discussions are held once every quarter and provide an opportunity to hear from an expert panel of internal audit and business speakers on innovative audit practices and technologies that will impact internal audit in the future. These events are exclusive to the Audit Leaders member and his/her direct report (deputy) only. Panel discussions usually last two hours and provide members with a Q&A discussion before moving on to share ideas and best practice. The panel discussions are an excellent opportunity for showcasing thought leadership and hearing from leading business and policy makers.